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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Singapore Credit Card 2

After waiting for 1 month, my application for Singapore Maybank's eCard Platinum got rejected...blink.gifwow...If you are thinking that you are a Malaysian, Maybank should have no problem approving your credit are Singapore, rule is rule.

I really supprised that Maybank turned me down. With my record of transactions and dealing with them in Malaysia, I thought should be no problem.

I have to ask my colleague to purchase ticket back to Malaysia, very troublesome.

My thought is that my annual income does not meet their requirement. But they didn't give me any reason in their postage letter to me or when I gave a call to the call center.I gave up in applying Maybank's credit card as they require their foreigner card holder to have a minimum SGD80,000 of annual income.

CIMB Platinum MasterCard, POSB Everday Card and UOB One Card
After comparison within the other credit cards offerred, I have selected CIMB Platinum MasterCard POSB Everyday Card and UOB One Card as my suitable choice.

I have made some comparison as below:

Credit Cards' Offers Comparison

As shown, CIMB offers the best benefits and requirement combination. The free for life fee waiver is one of their best features. The only disadvantage is they have limited branch and cannot pay via Internet banking by linking to the CIMB bank account.

But with the previous experience getting rejected by Maybank, I applied for both CIMB and POSB. I omitted UOB because I still not openned an UOB bank saving account. 

At last I managed to get both CIMB and POSB cards...icon_rolleyes.gif
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